Welcome to the
Just Fit Family!
We are glad that you are here! and we are very excited that you picked us to help you with your fitness goals! Now, let us tell you a little bit about us.
Just Fit is a family of 2 boxes, Just Fit Weston, and Just Fit Palmetto Bay!
Just Fit Weston was born in January of 2014, and it was built out of the love and passion for fitness from its owners Michelle and Derk, a young couple who are all about living a healthy lifestyle, and about helping others.
Before Just Fit was born, Derk and Michelle were both employed, Derk as an Industrial Engineer, and Michelle worked on the Marketing & Advertising field; however, they didn’t quite feel that their jobs were what they wanted to keep doing for the rest of their lives
So after they got married in March of 2013, they decided that they wanted to open a business of their own, something that they loved doing, and that were passionate about! Something that would make them wake up every morning excited about doing, and that at the same time would be a powerful tool to help other people, and impact their lives in a positive way, and what a better idea than opening a Gym of their own!
After 7 years of being blessed with Just Fit Weston, they got an opportunity to grow the family, and thats when Just Fit Palmetto Bay was born!
So whether you live in the North or the South, we got you covered!